We promised - and here they are. A feast of 1974 photos from the Wearmouth 1300 Festival in Sunderland.
We pledged to share more photos and we have done just that. If you were on the parade, in the crowds, playing the bagpipes or pictured on the floats, you might just be in our Echo archive selection.

2. Brigade on the march
The Combined Girls' Brigade and Boys' Brigade float passes the sign for St Peter's Church. | se

3. A powerful picture
Teenage apprentices created this float for the National Coal Board. They spent a month putting it together at their base in Tursdale before joining the parade in Sunderland. | se

4. A regal parade
Miss Sunderland - 17-year-old Christine Brydon - makes her regal way along Fawcett Street during the Wearmouth 1300 Festival. | se