Here’s a serving of photos showing McDonald’s staff in Sunderland.
These wonderful workers love a fancy dress day, as well as a spot of face painting.
We know because we found all of these images in the Echo archives.

1. Big McDonald's memories from Wearside
Sunderland staff and the memories they served up from 2003 onwards. | se

2. On the face of it in 2003
Cath O'Leary had her work cut out in September 2003. She got through 135 face paintings that day. | se

3. Adele's a top worker
Adele Green had every reason to be proud in April 2003. She was named the McDonald's Employee of Excellence from staff across 120 restaurants. | se

4. Egging you on for 2003 memories
Dining area manager Cath O'Leary proudly showed off the winning eggs in the 2003 painted egg competition at Roker Retail Park. | se