The answer is - they all made the Sunderland Echo headlines 30 years ago.
Leanne Scott was starring in Little Shop of Horrors; Emma Hodgson and Christine Rudd were rowing their way to the top in the UK; Nora Fearon got stuck overnight in a lift; and Terry Lewis had a dream win after backing Sunderland to score six.
But they were only some of the people who featured that year. Have a look at nine great news stories from 30 years ago.

9. On camera at Clays
Leanne Scott was performing in Little Shop of Horrors and she showed off her costume at Clays Garden Centre in 1995. | se

10. An epic journey
These Princes Trust bike riders rode to Gretna Green from Sunderland in 1995. Here are Eric Campbell, Chris Greaves, Suzanne Elves, John Robinson, Stuart Hall, Matthew Howell, Nicola Barclay, Gordon Marrs and Lee Mews. | se

11. Share your own recollections
Tell us more about these headline hitters by emailing [email protected] | se