Unusual cloud spotted off North East coast after varied weather

Jill Portis captured the unusual cloud in Easington Colliery.Jill Portis captured the unusual cloud in Easington Colliery.
Jill Portis captured the unusual cloud in Easington Colliery.
An unusual cloud which looks like it is funneling the sea was captured in County Durham wild weather.

The Met Office has identified an unusual cloud that was spotted in Easington Colliery earlier this week which appears to show water coming through the clouds and into the sea.

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The meteorologist team confirmed that the image has captured a downward current of airflow in a cumulus cloud where precipitation can be seen falling in sunlight.

According to the team Cumulus clouds are detached, individual, cauliflower-shaped clouds which are usually spotted in fair weather conditions.

The Met Office confirmed the cloud is a cumulus cloud.The Met Office confirmed the cloud is a cumulus cloud.
The Met Office confirmed the cloud is a cumulus cloud.

The clouds develop because of convection when air heated at the surface rises, it cools and water vapour condenses to produce the cloud.

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Along coastlines, cumulus clouds can form over land during daylight hours due to sea breeze which brings in moist air, and is then warmed by the surface.

The image has captured the water vapour falling in sunlight to create the unusual looking cloud, Met Office experts said.

The Met Office say that these clouds are most common on bright sunny days though can grow and produce showers.

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The fluffy, cauliflower-shaped cumulus is one of the most distinctive types of cloud and according to the Met Office, “the tops of these clouds are mostly brilliant white tufts when lit by the Sun.”

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