REVIEW: Aladdin, Whickham School, Gateshead

Daniel Mawston, left as Widow Twanky, and Stephen Sullivan as Abanazar.Daniel Mawston, left as Widow Twanky, and Stephen Sullivan as Abanazar.
Daniel Mawston, left as Widow Twanky, and Stephen Sullivan as Abanazar.
Aladdin is one of the most colourful traditional pantomimes filled with Eastern promise.

Nice Swan delivers just that.

A colourful and bright stage greets you on entering the hall, setting the scene; blackout, huge bang and Abracadabra you are whisked into the magical world of Panto.

Abanazar is played by the popular seasoned South Shields Stephen Sullivan, who sweeps onto the stage with relish, doing the part great justice.

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The friendly Wishee Washy (Sean Gray) bubbles with joy playing a good foil to his older brother Aladdin (Jacob Anderton); the feisty Slave of The Ring (Charlotte Casey) contrasts nicely with the sweet Princess Jasmine (Kiera Falcus); Jack Johnston as The Emperor Of China shows astonishing authority for his tender 13 years, and Widow Twanky (Daniel Mawston), ever ready with a saucy comment, has a perpetual twinkle in his eye.

Alan Robson from Metro radio is the voice of the Geordie oracle, with local references abounding.

Geordie Thomas Whalley is to be congratulated for a well written script, music and lyrics.

There is plenty of audience interaction, the ‘stage’ being on the same level as the first row; sparkling colourful three dimensional sets, a breath taking magic carpet, beautiful

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costumes, huge Chinese dogs, a friendly panda, effective lighting, a cleverly constructed kitchen slosh scene, strong direction from Kate Ross and a talented cast. Great ingredients for a successful panto.

It is wonderful to see such a young company and Creative Director, Jamie Owen Gray, upholding the values of a traditional pantomime, giving it innovative twists while still keeping it


This was my first Nice Swan Pantomime but it will certainly not be my last, a must see.

Looking for a treat?

Well here is a clue

I know of a wish you can make come true,

Because you are sure to have a great time,

Go and see Aladdin the pantomime

Nice one, Nice Swan.

Nice Swan The Pantodrome

Whickham School


Until Friday, 23 December.

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