SHAPING UP: The vital role of hydration in menopause and your  well-being​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Last week’s article on the benefits of exercise for menopausal women sparked lots of interest as I had a load of questions in my inbox about menopausal health, so today I thought I’d explore another key area for menopausal well-being: hydration.
It is important to keep your body hydrated, and drinking plenty of water helps.It is important to keep your body hydrated, and drinking plenty of water helps.
It is important to keep your body hydrated, and drinking plenty of water helps.

Menopause is a major change for women, bringing many physical and emotional shifts. But these changes can be manageable. Along with exercise, staying hydrated is a crucial way to ease menopausal symptoms and improve overall health.

Why Hydration Matters More Now

As you go through menopause, water, a critical part of our bodies, becomes even more important. Here’s how proper hydration can be beneficial:

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1. Eases Menopausal Symptoms: Hot flashes and night sweats can lead to significant fluid loss. By keeping hydrated, you help your body regulate temperature more effectively, minimising these uncomfortable episodes.

2. Boosts Mood and Cognitive Function: Fluctuating hormone levels can affect your mood and cognitive abilities. Adequate hydration supports brain function, helping to manage mood swings and maintain mental clarity.

3. Promotes Skin Health: Menopause can dry out and thin your skin. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration, keeping your skin looking radiant and youthful.

4. Aids in Digestive Health and Weight Management: Changes during menopause can slow down your metabolism and affect digestive health. Water is essential for digestion and can help manage weight by enhancing metabolism and reducing appetite.

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Incorporating more water into your daily routine can be simple. Start your morning with a glass of water, keep a bottle handy throughout the day, and choose hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables. Remember, your hydration needs are personal; listen to your body and adjust your water intake accordingly.

Building on last week's conversation about exercise, it's clear that hydration plays a foundational role in managing menopause. It's a simple, yet powerful tool that supports your body's needs, helping you to feel better both physically and emotionally during this transition.


10-Minute Dumbbell Workout

For those going through menopause, this 10-minute dumbbell workout offers a great way to maintain muscle, protect bone density, and support overall health with full-body strength training.

Total Time: 10 minutes

Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises:

Goblet Squats – 30 seconds

Dumbbell Row – 30 seconds

Standing Shoulder Press – 30 seconds

Reverse Lunges with Dumbbells – 30 seconds

Dumbbell Deadlifts – 30 seconds

Plank with Dumbbell Row – 30 seconds

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Rest – 30 secondsFor a demonstration of the workout head over the the East Coast Fitness Instagram or Facebook pages

Important Note: This workout is designed to be intense but doable within 10 minutes. It's important to listen to your body and adjust the weights accordingly to maintain good form throughout each exercise. Please include a short warm-up before starting this workout and a cool-down afterward to help prevent injury.


Honey Sriracha Chicken


TOTAL TIME: 27 Minutes



680g boneless, chicken breast, skinless (2–3 large)

120ml tamari or soy sauce 120ml honey

120ml sriracha

2 tbsp minced garlic

1.5 tbsp cornstarch (optional)


Firstly, prepare the sauce by whisking together tamari, honey, sriracha, and minced garlic.

Place chicken breasts on the bottom of a slow cooker and then pour sauce on top.

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Set slow cooker to high heat and cook for 2 to 3 hours OR set slow cooker to low heat and cook for 6 to 8 hours (recommended).

Once your chicken is easily shreddable, remove from slow cooker and use 2 forks to shred chicken breast.

Now, if you want to thicken the sauce, add 1.5 tbsp of cornstarch. Whisk until dissolved.

Add shredded chicken back into sauce and stir. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving.