SHAPING UP: Four tips to help improve self-discipline with food and exercise

Gradually introduce healthier food choices into your diet. Photo by Eamonn M McCormack/Getty ImagesGradually introduce healthier food choices into your diet. Photo by Eamonn M McCormack/Getty Images
Gradually introduce healthier food choices into your diet. Photo by Eamonn M McCormack/Getty Images
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires strong self-discipline, especially when it comes to managing your diet and sticking to an exercise routine.

We often come up against testing moments during a fitness journey, so here are four tips to improve self-discipline and keep you on track:

Set Clear Goals

Begin by defining your health and fitness objectives. Whether it's losing a certain amount of weight, building muscle, or simply feeling more energetic, having specific goals in mind provides a clear direction. Write down these goals and place them somewhere visible, so you have a constant reminder of what you're working towards. When faced with the temptation to deviate from your plan, seeing your goals can be a powerful motivator to stay disciplined.

Create a Realistic Routine

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Develop a realistic and sustainable routine that incorporates both healthy eating and regular exercise. Avoid drastic changes that can lead to burnout or frustration. Gradually introduce healthier food choices into your diet and start with manageable workout sessions. Over time, you can increase the intensity and duration. Consistency is key; by sticking to a well-structured routine, you'll find it easier to stay disciplined.

Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating involves paying full attention to the eating experience, savouring each bite, and recognising feelings of hunger and fullness. This practice can prevent overeating and help you make healthier food choices. Avoid distractions like television or smartphones while eating, and focus on the tastes, textures, and smells of your food. By being present in the moment, you're more likely to make conscious decisions about what and how much you eat.

Accountability and Reward System

Share your health and fitness journey with a friend, family member, or join a group. This external accountability can provide encouragement during challenging times. Additionally, set up a reward system for reaching milestones. Treat yourself to something enjoyable that doesn't contradict your goals, such as a relaxing spa day or a new workout outfit.

Improving self-discipline with food and exercise is a gradual process that requires patience and commitment. You need to train your mind. Just like training your muscles, you don’t get fit and strong overnight, you’ve got to work at it consistently over time.

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By setting clear goals, creating a balanced routine, practicing mindful eating, and incorporating accountability and rewards, you can train yourself to make healthier choices consistently. Remember that setbacks are normal, and what matters most is your willingness to get back on track. With time, your improved self-discipline will not only lead to better health but also a stronger sense of achievement and overall well-being.

If you're looking for a structured way to kickstart your journey towards a healthier you, have a look at our 14-Day Shred programme. It’s designed to jumpstart your fitness goals with a carefully crafted combination of exercise routines and a balanced meal plan. It's an excellent opportunity to put these self-discipline tips into action and get results in just two weeks. Registration is now open at Don't miss this chance to take a proactive step towards a healthier lifestyle and a more disciplined you.



400g lean ground turkey

100g fresh spinach, chopped

1 small onion, finely chopped

1 garlic clove, minced

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon paprika

Salt and pepper to taste

Whole wheat burger buns

Lettuce leaves

Sliced tomato

Red onion slices


In a mixing bowl, combine the lean ground turkey, chopped spinach, finely chopped onion, minced garlic, dried oregano, paprika, salt, and pepper. Mix well until the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions and shape them into burger patties.

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Preheat a non-stick skillet or grill pan over medium heat. You can also use an outdoor grill if available.

Place the turkey patties on the preheated skillet or grill. Cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side, or until the burgers are cooked through and have a nice golden-brown exterior.

While the burgers are cooking, you can toast the whole wheat burger buns if desired.

Once the turkey burgers are cooked, assemble your burgers. Start by placing a lettuce leaf on the bottom half of each bun, followed by a turkey patty.

Top the patty with sliced tomato and red onion slices.

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Finish by placing the top half of the whole wheat bun on top.

Serve the turkey and spinach burgers with a side salad or baked sweet potato fries for a well-rounded and healthy meal. Enjoy your delicious homemade burgers!


This quick and effective 10-minute workout targets your legs, upper body, and core for a well-rounded fitness session.

Bodyweight Squats - 1 minute

Press-Ups (or Modified Push-Ups) - 1 minute

Plank - 1 minute

Star Jumps - 1 minute

Tricep Dips - 1 minute

Mountain Climbers - 1 minute

Lunges (Alternating Legs) - 1 minute

Supermans - 1 minute

V-Twists - 1 minute

High Knees - 1 minute

Perform each exercise for 1 minute, taking minimal rest between exercises. If you have time and want more of a challenge feel free to complete another round or two. Adjust the intensity and pace according to your fitness level. Always remember to maintain proper form and listen to your body. This express workout is perfect for those busy days when you need a quick boost of energy and movement.

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