SHAPING UP: Empowering the menopause – strength, support and wellness

At East Coast Fitness, we understand the transformative journey of menopause and its unique challenges.
Classes include a refreshing 30-minute walk-and-talk session.Classes include a refreshing 30-minute walk-and-talk session.
Classes include a refreshing 30-minute walk-and-talk session.

That's why we set out on a mission to set up a supportive environment where women can gather, uplift one another, and utilise the benefits of exercise to navigate this phase with resilience and grace.

Our first 'Together Through Menopause' class last weekend was really inspiring.

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Ten incredible women joined us, and the feedback we received left us beaming with pride.

They walked away from the class feeling revitalised and invigorated, with some even noticing immediate improvements in strength and focus after just one session!

What's the secret behind this transformation? It's simple: the combination of exercise, camaraderie, and targeted support.

We kick-off each class with 30 minutes of gentle strength training, followed by a refreshing 30-minute walk-and-talk session.

Why the emphasis on strength training?

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Well, menopause brings about hormonal changes, including a decline in oestrogen levels.

This can lead to issues like decreased bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis.

But here's the good news: strength training has been shown to counteract these effects.

Additionally, many women experience weight gain during menopause due to lower oestrogen levels.

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But by building muscle mass, you can boost your metabolism, making it easier to manage your weight during this transition period.

But it's not just about the physical benefits. The second half of our class is dedicated to open discussions about all things menopause-related as we take a leisurely stroll along the scenic Seaham seafront.

The power of these conversations cannot be overstated. Connecting with other women who are on a similar journey can be incredibly empowering and refreshing.

So, if you're navigating the ups and downs of menopause and craving a supportive community to help you along the way, we invite you to join us for our next Together Through Menopause class.

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Trust us, you'll leave feeling stronger, more energised, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.



This circuit is designed specifically to empower menopausal women with a balanced workout that enhances strength, stability, and overall wellness.

You will perform five strength exercises, each performed for 40 seconds followed by 20 seconds of rest. These exercises are strategically chosen to target key muscle groups while promoting stability and balance. By completing two circuits (10 minutes), you'll challenge your body and build strength.

Remember, this workout is adaptable to your fitness level, so feel free to modify as needed. Listen to your body, focus on proper form.






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Head over to the East Coast Fitness Facebook or Instagram page to see a short demo video of these exercises.




240 ml unsweetened almond milk (or any milk of your choice)

120 ml Greek yogurt (or dairy-free alternative)

120 ml frozen mixed berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries)

1/2 banana, frozen

15 grams ground flaxseed

15 grams chia seeds

15 grams almond butter (or peanut butter)

5 ml honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)

2.5 ml ground cinnamon

1.25 ml ground ginger (or fresh ginger, peeled)

2.5 ml vanilla extract

Handful of spinach or kale (optional, for added greens)


Add all ingredients to a blender in the order listed.

Blend on high speed until smooth and creamy. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add more almond milk or water to reach your desired consistency.

Taste and adjust sweetness if needed by adding more honey or maple syrup.

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Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately, or store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Benefits for Menopause:

Calcium and Vitamin D: Greek yogurt provides a good source of calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for bone health during menopause.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Flaxseed and chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings.

Phytoestrogens: Berries contain phytoestrogens, plant compounds that mimic oestrogen in the body and may help balance hormone levels during menopause.

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Fibre: Flaxseed, chia seeds, and fruits provide fibre, which supports digestive health and may help alleviate constipation, a common issue during menopause.

Antioxidants: Berries are packed with antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, which can increase during menopause.

This Menopause Power Smoothie is not only delicious but also a convenient way to nourish your body and support overall well-being during this transformative phase of life. Enjoy!