Pupils from Monkton Infants School dressed as superheroes for Children In Need in 2014.Pupils from Monkton Infants School dressed as superheroes for Children In Need in 2014.
Pupils from Monkton Infants School dressed as superheroes for Children In Need in 2014. | JPIMedia Resell

Pudsey power! Take a look at these memories of Children In Need events in Sunderland

Here are the Bear facts. We’ve got lots of Children In Need fab fundraising memories for you to enjoy.

This year’s annual day of megafundraising will soon be here.

So here are 19 reminders of the fun you’ve had in Sunderland and County Durham in the past as you proudly danced, waxed and dressed up for charity.

There were superb costumes, lots of cameraderie and generally just a load of fun.

But what can you remember of these proud occasions? Take a look through our selection and tell us more.

There were superb costumes, lots of cameraderie and generally just a load of fun.