Premier League referee Martin Atkinson helps young Washington footballers raise £1,500 to help brain tumour battler Jenna Lee Carrington

Premier League football referee Martin Atkinson takes charge of a charity match in aid of Jenna Lee Carrington at the Washington Hub.Premier League football referee Martin Atkinson takes charge of a charity match in aid of Jenna Lee Carrington at the Washington Hub.
Premier League football referee Martin Atkinson takes charge of a charity match in aid of Jenna Lee Carrington at the Washington Hub. | jpimedia Resell
Parents, coaches and young footballers raised over £1500 for teenage brain tumour battler Jenna Lee Carrington with the help of Premier League referee Martin Atkinson.

Washington Juniors Football Club held a parents vs coaches match in aid of 14-year-old Jenna, which was refereed by top official Martin Atkinson.

The fundraiser, which also featured a raffle, bouncy castle and speed cage, raised a total of £1,726.92

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Organiser Martin Maddison said: “Despite the very windy conditions the game went really well, with a huge turn out from the community.

“Without these people and Washington Juniors Football Club, along with everyone else that donated via GoFundMe or in other ways, none of this would have been possible. You truly are all amazing.”

The match finished coaches 3-1 parents and all the money raised at the event will allow Jenna and her friends and family to make some lasting memories.

Donations can still be made via the club’s go fund me page.