Football fans can delve into unrivalled depth and detail in FM 2024 as you take charge at your club. Join the elite by writing your own headlines, earning the love of the fans and dominating the competition. It's not just about picking tactics or crafting a team.
Football Manager 2025 will launch in November. However, you can gain early access to the PC/Mac version now if you pre-order the game on Steam.
Here, though, we take a look at Football Manager 2024’s estimated weekly wage for EVERY first-team Sunderland player (please note that per-week wages provided by the game may not be true to life):
![Sunderland's Alex Pritchard in action.](
. Alex Pritchard. SAFC 3-1 Norwich City FC 28-10-23, EFL Championship. Picture by FRANK REID
Sunderland's Alex Pritchard in action. Photo: Frank Reid
![Ellis Taylor earns a reported £500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Ellis Taylor
Ellis Taylor earns a reported £500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Adam Richardson earns a reported £600-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Adam Richardson
Adam Richardson earns a reported £600-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: FRANK REID
![Joe Anderson earns a reported £1,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Joe Anderson
Joe Anderson earns a reported £1,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Jeremy Ng
![Jewison Bennette earns a reported £1,700-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Jewison Bennette
Jewison Bennette earns a reported £1,700-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Triantis earns a reported £2,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Nectarios Triantis
Triantis earns a reported £2,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Aji Alese earns a reported £3,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Aji Alese
Aji Alese earns a reported £3,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Matete earns a reported £3,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Jay Matete
Matete earns a reported £3,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: FRANK REID
![Huggins earns a reported £4,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Niall Huggins
Huggins earns a reported £4,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Jess Hornby
![Abdoullah Ba earns a reported £4,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Abdoullah Ba
Abdoullah Ba earns a reported £4,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Bass earns a reported £4,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Alex Bass
Bass earns a reported £4,500-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: FRANK REID
![Ekwah earns a reported £5,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Pierre Ekwah
Ekwah earns a reported £5,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Hemir earns a reported £5,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Heir
Hemir earns a reported £5,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Mayenda earns a reported £5,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
. Eliezer Mayenda
Mayenda earns a reported £5,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Pete Norton
![Patterson earns a reported £13,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
29. Anthony Patterson
Patterson earns a reported £13,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: FRANK REID
![Ballard earns a reported £15,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
30. Dan Ballard
Ballard earns a reported £15,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: FRANK REID
![Bradley Dack earns a reported £15,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
31. Bradley Dack
Bradley Dack earns a reported £15,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Frank Reid
![Clarke earns a reported £15,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024.](
32. Jack Clarke
Clarke earns a reported £15,000-per-week according to estimates from the popular simulation game Football Manager 2024. Photo: Ben Roberts Photo