When it comes to households living in social accommodation, Sunderland certainly has a significantly higher proportion of people living in what would traditionally have been referred to as ‘council housing’.
Across the city the most recent Government data shows 26.6% of households live in social accommodation compared to 17.1% nationally.
Within Sunderland itself there is a massive disparity in the proportion of people living in social housing.
Check out the percentages for each of the city’s wards according to the latest Census data.
1. The richest and poorest parts of Sunderland based on social housing.
The richest and poorest parts of Sunderland based on social housing. | Google Photo: Google
2. Fulwell ward
In Fulwell ward 2.2% of households live in social accommodation which is below the Sunderland average of 26.6% and the England average of 17.1%. | Google Photo: Google
3. Barnes Ward
In Barnes Ward 10.7% of households live in social accommodation which is below the Sunderland average of 26.6% and the England average of 17.1%. | se
4. Millfield Ward
In Millfield Ward 13.5% of households live in social accommodation which is below the Sunderland average of 26.6% and the England average of 17.1%. Photo: An