Wearsiders have been flocking to Sunderland to enjoy their Good Friday fish and chips.Wearsiders have been flocking to Sunderland to enjoy their Good Friday fish and chips.
Wearsiders have been flocking to Sunderland to enjoy their Good Friday fish and chips. | National World

10 fantastic photographs of people enjoying Good Friday fish and chips in Sunderland

People made the most of the spring sunshine to enjoy their fish and chips by the sea.

One of the great Easter traditions is Good Friday fish and chips and there is nowhere better to enjoy this very British dish than at the seaside.

According to Roman Catholic customs, Christians refrain from eating the flesh of warm-blooded animals on Good Friday in recognition of the day Jesus was crucified - but they can eat fish.

It’s a tradition which has now been adopted by Christians and atheists alike, and hundreds of people flocked to Seaburn to tuck into their fish and chips with lashing of salt, vinegar and a few other interesting additions.

Here’s 10 mouth watering photographs of Wearsiders enjoying this much loved Easter tradition.

It’s a tradition which has now been adopted by Christians and atheists alike, and hundreds of people flocked to Seaburn to tuck into their fish and chips with lashing of salt, vinegar and a few other interesting additions.

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