CHILDLINE: A Letter from Santa is just one way to support NSPCC and Childline

On average, a child will contact Childline by phone or web chat every 45 seconds this Christmas and we need your support to ensure we can continue to help children and young people across the country.
A Letter from Santa is just one of the great ways to support the NSPCC and Childline.A Letter from Santa is just one of the great ways to support the NSPCC and Childline.
A Letter from Santa is just one of the great ways to support the NSPCC and Childline.

One way to support us is to make a donation when ordering a Letter from Santa for your child from the NSPCC website.

These letters have become a tradition in many homes during Christmas time as a nice way to make the season as special as possible for little ones. They are also a fantastic way to help us help children across the country for whom Christmas is not a magical time.

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Since Letter from Santa was launched in 2001, more than 3.3 million have been ordered by parents and carers across the UK, raising an incredible £19 million to support the NSPCC.

Last year alone saw just over £1m raised by these letters, which not only bring festive joy and surprise to children across the country but provide vital funds for the NSPCC and Childline, which rely on public donations for almost 90% of their funding.

There are also other ways to support us this festive season, including the 5km Walk for Children on December 22 – the longest night of the year.

If you sign up and raise funds for us, you could map a route that includes your local Christmas lights, and even a local landmark which has gone green for the NSPCC. Buildings across the UK are lighting up in our signature colour in support of the charity and the help it provides young people in their darkest hours.

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Childline is a beacon of hope in the night, just as these landmarks are beacons of light, and that’s why it’s so vital our volunteers are available on the phone and online around the clock, answering calls from children experiencing abuse and helping young people feel a little less alone.

Christmas comes with huge expectations of happiness, love and fun. But for half a million children experiencing abuse a year, this couldn’t be further from the truth, so however you might choose to support us this festive period, it will be hugely appreciated.

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