Herringtons, Farringdon and Lakeside - Down Your Way

East Herrington Townswomen's Guild will meet tonight in St Chad's Church hall at 7.15pm. The programme will be a quiz night and bingo, there will also be a tombola to help raise money to place a TWG memorial in the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire followed by tea and cake.

Unfortunately, due to cancelled speakers and staff absence the South Forum meeting due to take place tomorrow at 12.30pm has had to be cancelled. The meeting on February 24 at 12.30pm will go ahead as usual at Farringdon Jubilee Centre, The Launch Pad.

Farringdon Jubilee Centre will be starting Tea and Teach sessions running from Fresh Start Cafe on a Wednesday and Friday morning from 9. 30am to 11.30am. The drop-in sessions will offer you advice and support on using your tablet or iPad. You will also be able to get help with any of your other IT queries. For more information, call 0191 5228447 or call into The Jubilee Centre.