Doxford Park - Down Your Way
The next meeting of Church View Patient Group (CVPG) will take place at 5.30pm tomorrow at Church View Medical Centre. The practice manager will give a general update followed by group discussion. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at the commencement of the meeting. All patients are welcome.
Councillors Betty Gibson, Christine Marshall and Colin English hold their ward surgeries on the last Thursday of every month in Doxford Community Centre from 6pm-7pm.
Sacred Dragon Martial Arts Tae-Kwon-Do and kickboxing classes are held in Doxford Park Community Centre every Sunday from 4pm to 5.30pm for those aged five and over. There is also a class on Wednesdays for those aged 13 and over from 6pm and 7pm. For further details contact Gordon on 07828230669.
Slimming World meets in Doxford Park Community Centre on a Tuesday at 7.30pm.