Christmas traditions dying out

I draw your attention to the letter from Mick, The Pen, Brown.

Sending cards out to those you see each day is a tradition, without it we would be in difficulty.

All our forces lived on tradition. Our Mick has his own traditions where he eats, drinks, and writes.

The poor singers (we can’t all be Welsh).

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I send a birthday, and Christmas cards to my poor much-older-brother whom I see at least three times a week, that’s my tradition.

Like ‘Mick’ he never sends out cards to brother or sister who live in Sunderland. Another Mick-moaner.

In years to come all these traditions will die out.

Christmas is upon us now. I wonder what tradition the Mick will indulge in?

Will he be get anything off Santa?

Mr J A Stott

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