Sound of Music star Connie Fisher was at the Sunderland Empire in 2009. Did you get to see her perform?Sound of Music star Connie Fisher was at the Sunderland Empire in 2009. Did you get to see her perform?
Sound of Music star Connie Fisher was at the Sunderland Empire in 2009. Did you get to see her perform?

Nine times famous faces visited Sunderland - did you get to meet any of them?

Actors, comedians, singers and presenters. We have seen them all in Sunderland.

But how many did you get to see on their visit to Wearside.

Here are 11 well known figures who were in the picture in our neighbourhood. Some were here for photocalls and others were opening shops or just meeting their adoring fans.

Take a look and see how many you spotted in town.

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