Enjoy the trip back to the classroom and get in touch to share your own memories.Enjoy the trip back to the classroom and get in touch to share your own memories.
Enjoy the trip back to the classroom and get in touch to share your own memories.

Nine retro photos from Sandhill View Academy after Sunderland school is shortlisted for a national title

It’s been a big week for Sandhill View Academy – the Sunderland school bidding for a national title.

That gives us a great chance to look back at 9 other times the school was in the Wearside news in years gone by.

Have a look at these guitar-playing students in 2006, the Year 9 puppet makers in 2009 and the pupils who brought a carnival atmosphere to the streets in 2012.

Have a look at these guitar-playing students in 2006, the Year 9 puppet makers in 2009 and the pupils who brought a carnival atmosphere to the streets in 2012.

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