Clockwise from top left: Barnes Park's Civil War Cannon, St Michael and All Angels in Houghton, the Beatles and Dundas Street are all includedClockwise from top left: Barnes Park's Civil War Cannon, St Michael and All Angels in Houghton, the Beatles and Dundas Street are all included
Clockwise from top left: Barnes Park's Civil War Cannon, St Michael and All Angels in Houghton, the Beatles and Dundas Street are all included

11 historical gems in Sunderland you've possibly never heard of – featuring Butch Cassidy, The Beatles and the Bronze Age Beaker people

Most Wearsiders are (we hope) familiar with St Peter's Church and its connections to Benedict Biscop and Bede, the museum and US President Ulysses S Grant and, of course, Penshaw Monument.

Well here are 11 sites with little pieces of Sunderland history that you may not be so familiar with. Alternatively, you might be something of a clever-trousers and know all this anyway. We hope it’s a fun read either way.

Our peek at Wearside’s less well-known past ranges from the Carboniferous Era to the 1960s, although we may have missed the odd bit out.

Here is the 11, in no order whatsoever.

Here is the 11, in no order whatsoever.

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