A significant number of children don't get places at their preferred primary school.A significant number of children don't get places at their preferred primary school.
A significant number of children don't get places at their preferred primary school.

Oversubscribed schools: These are the 10 hardest primary schools to get into in Sunderland

With applications having this month (October) opened for parents to apply for places at their preferred primary schools for 2023, many will face an anxious wait to see if they have secured their first choice.

Ensuring your child has the best possible education is a priority for most parents and many will assume they will be able to secure a place at the best possible school.

However, recently published Government data shows this is not necessarily the case with thousands of children missing out on a place at their preferred schools.

Across England, applications for the current academic year resulted in eight per cent of primary school applicants and 17 per cent of secondary school applicants not getting a place at their first choice school, affecting nearly 150,000 children in total.

In Sunderland, parents are asked to submit three primary school choices in order of preference, but across the North East 3.9 per cent of children did not receive an offer for any of their selected schools.

So just how competitive is it to get into your local primary school? Here we reveal the 10 Sunderland Primary schools which are the hardest to get into.

Across England, applications for the current academic year resulted in eight per cent of primary school applicants and 17 per cent of secondary school applicants not getting a place at their first choice school, affecting nearly 150,000 children in total.