More traffic chaos on A19 and A690 as FOUR HORSES make way onto road

Huge tailbacks on the A690 following lane closures ahead of planned works. 
Photo by NE Live Traffic.Huge tailbacks on the A690 following lane closures ahead of planned works. 
Photo by NE Live Traffic.
Huge tailbacks on the A690 following lane closures ahead of planned works. Photo by NE Live Traffic. | User (UGC)
Drivers travelling on the A19 and A690 faced further traffic chaos today after four horses somehow made their way onto the busy roads.

Northumbria Police reported how they received a number of calls about horses on the A19 between the A690 and A183 in Houghton at around noon, on Monday, October 21.

Drivers were warned to approach the A690 Doxford Park junction with caution after the animals were seen in both carriageways of the busy road.

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Officers have attended the scene and have confirmed that the horses have now been brought to safety.

Traffic is said to be moving again and police are trying to find their owners.

A spokeswoman for the force said: “Police received a report of horses on the road at 11.53am today.

“It originally came in as two horses but then a further two were spotted so a total of four horses involved.

“The horses were detained nearby safely and without injury.

“Officers are currently trying to track down the owners.”

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Miles of traffic built up during morning rush hour as a result of the lane closures which are expected to last from today up until Friday to assess the effects of the traffic.