Picture special: Do you remember when Sunderland looked like this?

The good old days.
A panoramic view of industrial Wearside, taken from the 210ft winding tower at Wearmouth Colliery.A panoramic view of industrial Wearside, taken from the 210ft winding tower at Wearmouth Colliery.
A panoramic view of industrial Wearside, taken from the 210ft winding tower at Wearmouth Colliery.

We all like to reminisce about them - so take a pictorial walk down memory lane with the help of these fantastic photographs from our archive.

And what a selection we have in store in our picture gallery above.

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From stores we loved to browse through but are long gone, to more recent ones like BHS.

We’ve also remembered some major employers such as the shipyards and Wearside colliery, which gave work to a great many families in our city.

What about your leisure time? Was the best choice the fairground or Crowtree Leisure Centre?

And let’s not forget the city’s football ground and the famous Roker Roar!

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If these pictures have made you think, come on, let’s go and have a walk around the city to see what has changed.

Let us know what landmarks you particularly liked that have now disappeared.

Get in touch with our nostalgia correspondent on [email protected]

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