Wise Men Say: January is a terrible time to buy players but Sunderland MUST add to Bailey Wright and Kyle Lafferty signings

Sunderland manager Phil Parkinson.Sunderland manager Phil Parkinson.
Sunderland manager Phil Parkinson. | JPIMedia
As we all know from this time last year, January is a terrible time to buy players.

Over the years we have seen some horrendous deals done in the winter, with clubs hitting the panic button and paying silly money for their fourth or fifth target on the list. By the end of it, simply getting a body in is seen as a win and it doesn’t matter how rubbish they may be.

Sky Sports News’ feverish coverage of the transfer window has created a terrible want-need culture from supporters who just crave signings, even if a team is strong enough as it is.

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In Sunderland’s case however, there is a genuine need to strengthen – our recent results may have put a lovely shine on things, but a spate of injuries could derail what is a very achievable target of gaining promotion.

An injury to any of Denver Hume, Lynden Gooch or Chris Maguire, our stand-out players lately, would force Phil Parkinson to reshuffle his pack, to tweak the 3-4-3 system that is, thus far, bearing fruit.

In his press conference ahead of tonight’s match against Doncaster, Parkinson revealed he wasn’t expecting any movement in the market until Saturday.

It is always said that you should strengthen from a position of strength. Any player looking at us should see the potential. The fans are demanding but if a player is good enough and gives 100% then there’s no reason why he can’t be a success. For a player looking at making a winter move, Sunderland should be the plum choice in this league.

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It is essential that we bring in another two or three players alongside Kyle Lafferty and Bailey Wright – at the same time, it’s important that we resist any offers for our best-performing players regardless of the price.

More frustrating still is the news that Logan Pye, a highly-rated left-back, could be making a move to Manchester United. We should be nurturing our best young talent, not selling them off with the family silver.

All too often clubs focus on short term gains when we were all promised that the long term was just as important. Let’s hope the club stay true to that.