The majority of Sunderland Echo readers support a call for a new General Election

Boris Johnson
(Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)Boris Johnson
(Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)
Boris Johnson (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) | Getty Images
The majority of readers who voted in our poll answered in favour of supporting a new General Election.

The poll results came after Boris Johnson's snap general election plan had been roundly rejected, after his attempt to keep a no-deal Brexit suffered a major blow.

The Prime Minister wants to hold the election on Tuesday, October 15, but failed on Wednesday, September 4 to get the Commons majority required.

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In a Facebook poll, we asked you: “Would you like to see a new General Election called?”

More than 2,300 of readers took part in the online poll, with over 1,500 (64%) answering yes.

Many of you got in touch in the Facebook comments to share your views on this matter.

Alfy Keen said: “No party has a majority so it makes the most sense of a yes or no question.”

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Becka Lesca commented: “People are better informed now and more of the non voters understand the importance of what’s going on too. If now doesn’t bring out more voters people will have no right to whinge if the result isn’t what they wanted.”

Joy Bowes argued: “Yes so we can get Brexit sorted once and for all.”

Ian Scott agreed: “Get Brexit sorted one way or another.”

However, not everyone is for the new proposal. Over 800 (36%) Echo readers voted no on the poll.

Val Brown argued: “This question is utterly meaningless without reference to timing. I agree entirely with the opposition groups stance on this - not until no deal removal is secured.”

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Ann Work said: “I say no, because I don't think it will change anything.”

Readers appear eager to get a definite decision on Brexit.

Paul Green made his vote “to get a decision either way.”

Denise Molloy demanded: “Immediate election. No more waiting.”

Julie Carey commented: “Bring it on now.”

Neil Armstrong added: “I’d like to see the result of the referendum delivered first. Not much to ask really.”

These results to our poll were reported at 8.15pm on Thursday, September 5.