Lynx Shoes in Derwent Street was in the picture in December 1974. Were you a fan of the shop?Lynx Shoes in Derwent Street was in the picture in December 1974. Were you a fan of the shop?
Lynx Shoes in Derwent Street was in the picture in December 1974. Were you a fan of the shop? | User (UGC)

Pictures of 12 shops in Sunderland's past - have a browse and see how many you remember

Who loves a touch of 1970s window shopping?

We’ve got 13 great reminders of town centre shops for you to browse at and it’s all thanks to Bill Hawkins of the Sunderland Antiquarian Society who has shared this great selection of images.

Get in touch if this selection bring back happy memories.

Go along to the Antiquarian Society for more. The Society’s base in Douro Terrace is open between 9.30am and noon on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

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