Woman felt '˜sick to her stomach' after Sunderland man posted naked picture of her on Facebook

Dean GordonDean Gordon
Dean Gordon
A woman told police she burst into tears and was 'sick to her stomach' and after she discovered that a naked picture of her was posted on Facebook.

Dean Gordon put the picture on the social media site with an abusive caption.

The victim informed police and Gordon, 23, was subsequently charged with disclosing a private sexual photograph with intent to cause distress, which he admitted at a court hearing.

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Dean GordonDean Gordon
Dean Gordon

Prosecutor Holly Common told a hearing at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court: “On the day that message was posted on Facebook, the defendant had been contacting the victim via Facebook Messenger.

“About about 7am she started receiving messages again.

“The defendant had posted a naked picture.

“He had posted that on his own Facebook page.”

Dean GordonDean Gordon
Dean Gordon

A statement from the victim which was read out in court heard: “I remember it being taken.

“I felt sick to my stomach and burst into tears, I was very embarrassed.

“It left me feeling very upset.

“It was a private moment that has been made public and I feel very upset.”

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Gerry Armstrong, mitigating, told magistrates that Gordon, of Neville Road, Pallion, had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and was now in employment.

“I don’t want to go through the circumstances of the case again,” said Mr Armstrong.

“It’s to Mr Gordon’s credit that he accepted his culpability to the police and he has reaffirmed that.

“There is some work to do in regards to his thinking.

“He feels that he would benefit from work with the Probation Service.”

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Chairman of the bench Peter Watson handed Gordon a nine-month community order which includes 15 rehabilitation activity days.

Gordon was also fined £153 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £85 and £85 in costs.

He was also handed a restraining order for the purpose of protecting the victim in the case.

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