'They don't need them in school hours' - 17 things you said about banning mobile phones in the classroom

Do you think mobile phones have a place in the classroom?Do you think mobile phones have a place in the classroom?
Do you think mobile phones have a place in the classroom?
An overwhelming number of you have backed calls from a senior MP to ban mobile phones in classrooms.

Culture Secretary Matt Hancock has praised the schools who already do not allow the devices during the school day - but called on others to "follow their lead". We asked if you backed a ban - and a huge 89% of those who voted in our online poll below voted yes.

The minister questioned the impact mobile phones have on a child's achievements - and also linked social media with bullying among schoolchildren. In your comments, many of you asked why the devices were needed during the school day - while others noted their positive points when used properly.

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The majority of you agreed that phones should be banned from the classroom.The majority of you agreed that phones should be banned from the classroom.
The majority of you agreed that phones should be banned from the classroom.

Here's how you reacted to the question on social media:

Wendy Lee: "Yes ban them. Should have been banned in school years ago."

Chris Wilson: "I quite agree phones should be turned off during classroom but obviously break times they should be able to use them."

Wilf Newall: "Yes, my wife teaches & she said they distract children from their work."

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Kimberley Walker: "My boy's new senior school take them off them till the end of the week if they’re caught using them as if it’s important they have an office they can ring you from."

Allan Higgs: "YES because they don't learn anything they just use phone to get answers."

Astrid Newby: "I didn't even know they were allowed. That's concerning to say the least."

Bronya Kirtley: "Yes absolutely ban them at school, too much competition and bullying going on with social media as it is, several hours off their phones can only be positive, we managed without them."

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