Sunderland man exposed himself to '˜distressed' elderly grandmother

Paul SurteesPaul Surtees
Paul Surtees
A pervert dad deliberately exposed himself to an elderly grandmother - before '˜concocting' a defence to the charge.

Paul Surtees, 37, flashed the pensioner, who cannot be named for legal reasons, on four separate occasions, leaving her ‘distressed’ and unable to speak, a court heard.

Surtees, of Ribbel Road, Sunderland, denied four counts of exposing his genitals, intending that someone would see them and be caused alarm or distress, during a two-day trial part heard at both Sunderland and South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court.

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But magistrates in South Tyneside convicted him of all four offences after concluding his evidence was not credible.

Giving evidence via videolink during the trial, the complainant said Surtees had rolled up his shorts to expose his genitals and on another occasion had pulled down the waistband of his trousers to expose himself.

She said in evidence; “I thought ‘why is he doing it?’ I just kept it to myself for a long time.

“It’s never left my mind since it first happened. It just eats me up all the time.”

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Giving evidence during the trial, Surtees categorically denied the offences and insisted he could not have exposed himself accidentally due to the length of his shorts.

Jeanette Smith, prosecuting, said: “We can rule out that this is an accident, so the only options are she is mistaken, lying or telling the truth.

“She couldn’t be mistaken as what she has described as happening is very deliberate, thought out behaviour.

“The fact is that she is telling the truth.

“That is the reason that she has come to court to give evidence.

“She is sure about what she saw.”

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Surtees’ partner, Julie Milner, said she did not believe he was capable of carrying out the acts while giving witness evidence during the trial.

She questioned the validity of the evidence put forward by the victim.

Under examination from defence solicitor Jason Smith, Surtees said he had no idea why the victim had made the accusations against him.

He said: “I honestly cannot answer that. I don’t know why.”

Magistrates deliberated for over an hour before reaching guilty verdicts on all four counts.

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Derek Moss, chair of the magistrates, said: “You intentionally exposed yourself to her, causing her such distress she had to avert her eyes and was unable to speak.

“We did not find your evidence credible or that of your partner.

“We feel it may have been concocted.”

Jason Smith, defending, said that Surtees has no prior convictions and continues to deny the offences.

Magistrates asked for a probation report to be prepared on Surtees ahead of sentencing at South Tynesdie Magistrates’ Court on September 2.

He was granted unconditional bail until then.