Sunderland landmarks to be lit red, white and blue after attack near Finsbury Park Mosque

Penshaw Monument lit red, white and blue. Picture issued by Sunderland City CouncilPenshaw Monument lit red, white and blue. Picture issued by Sunderland City Council
Penshaw Monument lit red, white and blue. Picture issued by Sunderland City Council
Penshaw Monument will be lit up in red, white and blue tonight after last night's terror attack near Finsbury Park Mosque.

The Magistrates' Court building in Keel Square will also be lit up as a mark of respect following the incident - and the Union flag is also flying at half mast at Sunderland Civic Centre.

Sunderland City Council leader Paul Watson, said: “Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those caught up in the attack near Finsbury Park mosque. This was a horrific attack on innocent people going about their daily lives, many of them worshippers leaving evening prayers.

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“As a community it is important to show that we stand together and that we will not be bowed by this attack or the others we have seen in Manchester and London in recent weeks.

"For every act of terror designed to create hate and division over the last few weeks we have seen countless acts of kindness and compassion. It is this determination to show we are united against hatred and terror that reflects the true spirit of people in this country."

"Once again we have seen a swift response on the part of the emergency services and incredible bravery from members of the public who detained the attacker until the police arrived."