Majority of Echo readers know how they will vote in the General Election

The majority of readers know how they will vote in the General Election.The majority of readers know how they will vote in the General Election.
The majority of readers know how they will vote in the General Election.
The General Election is fast approaching but according to our recent poll, the majority of Sunderland Echo readers know who they will be voting for and some have already voted.

Voting is set to take place on Thursday, December 12, around six weeks after the Brexit negotiations in Westminster.

So, on Tuesday, December 10, in our daily Facebook poll we asked you: “Have you made up your mind how you're going to vote this General Election with only two days left to vote?”

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Out of over 3,600 readers who voted, 84% voted yes while 16% claimed they were still unsure who to vote for.

Those who have made up their mind shared differing views on who to vote for and why.

Stephen Marshall said: “I know who I'm not voting for.”

Pauline Littewood said: “Postal vote already in.”

Martin Reay added: “Haven’t even got my postal vote through yet and I'm at work so cant go and vote.”

Heather C Hallam said: “I am a member of Unison and my subscription goes towards the Labour Party campaign fund But I’m swaying towards Lib Dem this time around. I need to look into it all a bit more.”

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Dane Old commented: “Never voted. Never will. Nothing changes.”

Heather C Hallam claimed: “I need to look into it all a bit more.”

Nikki Fairman-Smith shared her thoughts on voting. She said: “Hopefully more people will turn out to vote than they have in the past. As my mum always used to say to me, ‘If you don’t vote, you don’t have a say’.”