Washington author and former university lecturer delighted after book on how to save a marriage wins award

Dr Elewechi OkikeDr Elewechi Okike
Dr Elewechi Okike
A former University of Sunderland lecturer from Washington is celebrating after her latest book looking at secrets to a long marriage has won an award.

The book ‘Together Forever: 15 Secrets To a Life Long Marriage’ by author Dr Elewechi Okike won the Christian Indie Award in the relationships and family category.

The book comes from the perspective of Dr Okike’s 40 year marriage and helps readers identify how they can face and overcome challenges in their own marriage.

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Dr Okike published the book in February last year with the hope of helping preserve a cause close to her heart and has been delighted by the response.

Dr Elewechi OkikeDr Elewechi Okike
Dr Elewechi Okike

She said: “The subject of marriage is one that is dear to my heart, and also dear to God’s heart. If there was ever a time to write a book on the subject, it is now. Indeed, the institution of marriage is under serious attack, and I am hoping that this book will play a big part in salvaging some.

“It is my hope that this book will be an invaluable resource for keeping many marriage relationships alive and together and helping to minimise the heart aches and social ills that result from broken marriage relationships.”

Launched in 2008, the Christian Indie Awards honour Christian books by independent authors and small publishers for outstanding contribution to Christian life.

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Originally from Nigeria, Dr Okike later moved to Washington where she became an accountancy lecturer at the University of Sunderland, a successful author and now runs her own educational consultancy business AFEXED

A Mum of four, Dr Okike launched the charity Book Aid For Africa in 2007, providing a reading life line to hundreds of thousands of people living in poverty.

Since then the charity has shipped over 500,000 books to different countries in Africa, including Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique.

Dr Okike has written a number of books, including ‘How I Stood Up To Cancer’ telling of her battle with the rare cancer Cystadenocarcinoma, after her diagnosis in October 2012.

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Together Forever: 15 Secrets To a Life Long Marriage is available to buy on Amazon.

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