Striking silhouettes of New Year's Day dippers as they head into the sea at Seaburn beach. Photo by John Alderson.Striking silhouettes of New Year's Day dippers as they head into the sea at Seaburn beach. Photo by John Alderson.
Striking silhouettes of New Year's Day dippers as they head into the sea at Seaburn beach. Photo by John Alderson. | User (UGC)

Dawn of a new decade: Check out these STUNNING New Year's Day sunrise pictures from talented Sunderland photographer

A talented Wearside photographer has captured the beautiful sunrise at Seaburn Beach as crowds gathered to celebrate the dawn of a New Year.

Photographer John Alderson was up bright and early to make sure he caught the stunning morning light on camera as Seaburn Beach and Wearside landmarks was bathed in a red and orange glow.

His photographs show crowds of New Year’s Day dippers and walkers out in force at Seaburn Beach to see in the first morning of the year.

Scroll through our gallery of John’s beautiful shots to see the moment the sun rose over Wearside.

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