Echo readers are against putting the clocks back in the last week of October

The clocks are set to change soon.The clocks are set to change soon.
The clocks are set to change soon. | JPIMedia
It’s almost the time for clocks to turn back as the nights become darker but the majority of Echo readers aren’t happy with the idea of this.

The clocks traditionally go back to Greenwich Mean Time on the last Sunday in October, which this year falls on Sunday, October 27.

Every year, the clocks go back an hour at 2am. When this occurs, the UK will switch from British Summer Time (BST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) meaning summer is long gone.

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If you have a smart device, the clock on it should automatically update itself.

In a recent online poll, we asked you: “As the nights are getting darker, should we continue to put the clocks back in the last week of October?”

Out of the 994 who voted, 621 voted ‘no’ while 378 voted ‘yes.’

As always, Echo readers have been keen to share their opinions.

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Joyce Galley said: “I remember when they experimented not putting the clocks back the last time. It did not get light until 10 am. It was terrible. I would hate to go back to that again.”

Ray Knight argued: “Yes but change the time from 2am. Sick of getting up through the night to change them.”

Ian Hedley added: “I've never really understood the point of it.”

Ian Thompson said: “It gets dark every night.”

These results were recorded at 6pm on Sunday, September 29.

Don’t forget to vote on our online polls on the Sunderland Echo Facebook page.