Lack of detail over Brexit is 'hugely concerning' says Sunderland MP

Sharon HodgsonSharon Hodgson
Sharon Hodgson
A Wearside MP says she has finally received a reply to a letter she sent Prime minister Theresa May calling for more clarity over Brexit.

But Sharon Hodgson, whose Washington and Sunderland West constituency covers the Nissan plant, says the reply leaves her questions unanswered.

She has now received a reply which Business and Industry Minister Richard Harrington MP sent on February 22, which can be viewed here.

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Mrs Hodgson said the Minister had been unable to provide any further information regarding what trading arrangements will be when we leave the European Union (EU) and refused to rule out a 'hugely damaging' No-Deal Brexit.

The Minister urges Mrs Hodgson to vote for the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal, despite it still being unclear as to what form it will take when it comes back to Parliament.

"It is hugely concerning that a Government Minister is unable to provide any more clarity on what our trading arrangements will be once we have left the EU in just 29 days’ time," said Mrs Hodgson.

"Businesses such as Nissan are absolute desperate for some certainty over Brexit, and the Government’s ongoing inability to provide it is hugely damaging.

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"Although there is also no confirmation that ‘No-Deal’ will be taken off the table in this letter, I am glad that Parliament will now have the chance to vote against it.

"The Government should urgently confirm that when that vote happens, they will be voting against leaving the EU without a deal, which would be disastrous for the country and our region.’’