Son pocketed £18,000 of mum's cash after failing to declare her death

The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court.The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court.
The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court. | User (UGC)
A son failed to declare his mother's death to the authorities and pocketed £18,000 of her benefits.

Lee Harker used his mum's bank card to continuing withdrawing the cash from her account for more than 17 months after she died.

Durham Crown Court heard that the 38-year-old used the money for general living and to fund his drug habit and debts.

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Prosecutor Shaun Dryden told the court: "The defendant's mother unfortunately passed away on July 13 2017.

"At the time of hear death, she was in receipt of two benefits, Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and Personal Independence payment (PIP).

"These payments were continued to be paid into her account, notwithstanding she had passed away. The DWP were not aware of the death and it doesn't appear to have been formerly registered and there was no death certificate.

"The defendant didn't tell them during the course of the relevant period in the charges."

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The court heard that Harker's mum's ESA was paid from her death until July 2018 and her PIP until December 2018.

In total, Harker pocketed more than £18,000 by using his mother's bank card at ATM machines.

Mr Dryden said Harker was arrested in January 2019 and made admissions in interview.

Harker, of Woodland View, West Rainton, pleaded guilty to two charges of fraud and one of possessing an article for use in fraud when he appeared before magistrates in December 2019.

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He was then due at Durham Crown Court in January but failed to show up and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Today, he was in the dock for sentence but the case was adjourned for input from the Probation Service.

Helen Towers, defending, said there had been a gap in Harker's offending history between 2000 and 2015, when his life had become chaotic and he began taking drugs.

She said: "Unfortunately, his relationship ended in early 2016 and there was a downward spiral in his life and he moved back in with his mother.

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"One of his deepest regrets was his mother got to see him in that downward spiral and didn't see him recover from it."

The court heard Harker had taken some steps to report his mum's death, like ending her tenancy, but admitted he hadn't done enough.

Harker has been released on bail to next appear before the same court at a later date.