Man punched and kneed woman in face in Sunderland city centre attack

Colin Cook.Colin Cook.
Colin Cook.
An attacker who punched and kneed a woman in the face during an outbreak of city centre violence has kept his freedom.

Colin Cook was out on bail for setting his dog on a police officer when he joined in the attack on a woman in Sunderland city centre last July.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the 35-year-old had been out with an unknown woman and they "got talking" to a couple who were asking where to buy crack cocaine.

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After the four walked along Worcester Terrace in the city the female said she wanted a "one on one" with the victim and they began to fight.

Prosecutor Kate Barnes told the court: "The defendant joined in, punched her and kneeing her to the face.

"She was also punched to the ground by the female and kicked."

The court heard the contents of the victim's handbag were emptied onto the ground before Cook and his accomplice, who has never been traced, walked way but they returned just minutes later.

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Miss Barnes added: "The defendant had what was described as a boulder and shouted 'come on, come on', causing her to believe she was going to be hit with the large piece or rock or cement."

The court heard the victim's handbag contents were emptied out again and Cook picked up her purse and money from the other man's sock, which was taken.

The victim was left with a large bump to her head, swollen hand and sore upper body.

Cook, of Burnville Road South, Sunderland, who was given a suspended sentence for the police attack with his dog, admitted affray.

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Richard Herrmann, defending, said Cook was "intoxicated by drink and drugs" and had nowhere to live at the time of the offence.

Mr Herrmann said the trouble had started between the two women and Cook joined in but "should never have become involved".

The court heard Cook has stayed away from drink or drugs for almost a year, has sought professional help to deal with his problems and is about to become a father for the first time with a girlfriend who has "changed his life".

Judge Penny Moreland sentenced Cook to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 16 months, with 150 hours unpaid work.