Delia Brennan also loved a visit to Ibbitsons where saveloy dip was a big hit.Delia Brennan also loved a visit to Ibbitsons where saveloy dip was a big hit.
Delia Brennan also loved a visit to Ibbitsons where saveloy dip was a big hit. | JPIMedia Resell

We asked you how you spent a typical Saturday in Sunderland in the 1970s? Here's what you said

We asked how you spent a typical Saturday in 1970s Sunderland – and you replied in your tens of thousands.

An amazing 130,000 people took an interest in our social media post which asked you to share your memories of the cafes, shops and pubs you would visit.

Here is a selection of just some of the superb recollections you shared with us.

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