Council leader thanks Sunderland’s army of volunteers

The council leader described the community's response as amazing.The council leader described the community's response as amazing.
The council leader described the community's response as amazing. | Other 3rd Party
Sunderland’s City Council leader has sent a heartfelt thank you message to more than 1000 people who signed up as volunteers as part of city’s pandemic response.

When the north east went into lockdown together with the rest of the United Kingdom, hundreds wanted to play an active role in supporting their community.

Marking the start of National Volunteers Week, Councillor Graeme Miller says they have been overwhelmed and heartened by the response: “When we entered lockdown in March there were a number of immediate, short and longer term concerns for everyone. Our vulnerable population – for example those in the shielding groups or the elderly – were worried; there were huge queues in shops, some items were hard to come by, and their normal support networks were severely restricted.

“We asked the people of Sunderland who were able to help to sign up as volunteers – and more than 1000 of them did. The sense of community spirit shown here in the north east has been powerful, and we are all very grateful to every single volunteer.”

That response ensured that things like shopping and pharmacy supplies were delivered, dogs were walked and a befriending service, where a regular check in phone call made sure those isolated were not left feeling alone, swung into action.

Councillor Miller added: “The response we had was amazing; it showed the warmth and compassion that makes Sunderland Sunderland. And the feedback from our residents using the service has been lovely for all to hear. One lady told us that when she got her phone call it was no longer from a volunteer, but from someone she now sees as a friend. It’s been so heartening.”

He also passed on his thanks to those who had volunteered, but have not so far been matched with a role. “We really appreciate you taking the time to register. As lockdown eases new challenges and opportunities will occur, so we thank you for your patience, and hope to be in touch in time.”

Year-round a strong cohort of volunteers helps deliver services in Sunderland, including event makers and walk leaders. It’s hoped that many of the newly recruited volunteers will stay on to help in these types of roles longer term.

The sense of community spirit and belonging, friendship, learning new skills and playing an active role in people’s lives is appealing to so many volunteers.

Councillor Miller added: “When normality begins to return in the months to come we will see events and activities resume. The help of all our year-round volunteers is very much appreciated. I’d like to thank them for all they have done in the past 12months, and the work we will do together in the future.”

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