RECAP: Amazing morning as Sunderland 10k and Sunderland half marathon events return to city

Sunderland Strollers members after the runSunderland Strollers members after the run
Sunderland Strollers members after the run
Hundreds of people have taken part in the Sunderland 10k and half marathon events as the city took a massive step towards a return normality.

Organisers pulled out all the stops to ensure the events could go ahead while remaining covid-secure.

Sunderland City Runs

Key Events

  • Hundreds of people took place in the Sunderland 10k and half marathon events today
  • It came after a successful return of the 5k and 3k events on Saturday
  • The were the first road-closed mass participation events in the North East since the pandemic began

The Big Pink Dress is ready to see the runners off

The Big Pink Dress ready to see runners offThe Big Pink Dress ready to see runners off
The Big Pink Dress ready to see runners off | The Big Pink Dress ready to see runners off

This is the ‘holding area’ outside Sunderland Minster where people are waiting for their colours to the called up to make their way to the starting line

This is the ‘holding area’ outside Sunderland Minster where people are waiting for their colours to the called up to make their way to the starting lineThis is the ‘holding area’ outside Sunderland Minster where people are waiting for their colours to the called up to make their way to the starting line
This is the ‘holding area’ outside Sunderland Minster where people are waiting for their colours to the called up to make their way to the starting line | Holding area

Runners thrilled to be back racing

Among the runners are members of Silky Striders, Ruth Turner, Catherine Baldridge, Helen Gibson and Peter Turner.

Ruth said: “It’s really fabulous to be back, a sign things are going back to normal.

“A lot of people signed up for the race last year and that’s been carried forward.

“It’s great to be together again.”

Silky Striders runners

Seaham Aspiring Ladies helps women start and keep up running.

“Fabulous”, “exciting” and “exhilarating” were words they used to describe the feeling before they set off on the 10k.

Seaham Aspiring Ladies
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