Sleep retreats revealed as latest travel trend

A sleep retreat is a trip where the holidaymaker focuses on getting deep, restorative sleep whilst being taught how to build healthy sleep habits by experts at the retreat.A sleep retreat is a trip where the holidaymaker focuses on getting deep, restorative sleep whilst being taught how to build healthy sleep habits by experts at the retreat.
A sleep retreat is a trip where the holidaymaker focuses on getting deep, restorative sleep whilst being taught how to build healthy sleep habits by experts at the retreat.
The number of people Googling ‘sleep retreats’ have increased by 1,100 percent in the past month alone, proving that sleep-focused holidays are gaining more momentum within the travel industry.

Martin Seeley, the CEO and sleep expert at MattressNextDay has shared why more people are choosing to go on sleep retreats.

What is a sleep retreat

It is a trip where the holidaymaker focuses on getting deep, restorative sleep while being taught how to build healthy sleep habits by experts. Many people go because they have trouble falling asleep because their minds are racing with thoughts about work or life in general. Others have trouble staying asleep due to stress or anxiety.

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Some have even been diagnosed with insomnia by their doctor.

Some of the most common services provided on these kinds of holidays include:


Massages are often used as a way to relax and reduce tension. They can also be helpful in treating various health conditions, including stress-related disorders, muscle aches and pains,


Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine that involves applying pressure to different points on your feet. It's believed that reflexology stimulates nerve endings in your feet that correspond with every part of your body. The idea is that stimulating these nerve endings can help regulate key organs in your body, which may improve their function and lead to better overall health.

Yoga classes

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Yoga is another popular form of relaxation therapy that involves physical postures combined with breathing exercises. Some yoga practitioners believe that practising yoga regularly can help them achieve greater levels of peace and calmness through meditation.

Meditation classes

You can check out introductory meditation classes at your local yoga studio or community centre. Meditation may help reduce stress levels by slowing down breathing and heart rate.

Sleep doctors

Sleep doctors are trained to diagnose and treat sleep disorders and provide advice on how to overcome these problems and improve your sleep quality.

You can find out more about Martin Seeley at Martin Seeley with a link back to his author bio?