These are the rules for setting off fireworks in your garden on Bonfire Night 2020

With events cancelled all across the country in the wake of coronavirus, many people had been hoping to celebrate the magic of Bonfire Night this year.

Yet, in true 2020 fashion, all the iconic, large-scale fireworks displays across the country have been shelved due to social distancing fears.

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Things were looking up with the arrival of drive-in fireworks displays - but these too have either been cancelled or postponed due to England entering a second national lockdown on Bonfire Night itself.

The lack of Guy Fawkes events will be a huge blow to children, teenagers and adults alike, as the 5 November celebrations are some of the most-anticipated of the calendar year.

Thousands of people usually attend their local fireworks displays, with the UK being home to some impressive shows.

You are probably wondering whether any Bonfire Night events are taking place in England and what the rules are when it comes to hosting your own.