Going for a run 'helps preserve memory'

Running helps preserve your memory, suggests new research.

Scientists found any exercise, but running in particular, protects against the negative effects of stress on the hippocampus - the part of the brain responsible for learning and memory.

Associate professor Jeff Edwards, of Brigham Young University in the US, said: "Exercise is a simple and cost-effective way to eliminate the negative impacts on memory of chronic stress,

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"The ideal situation for improving learning and memory would be to experience no stress and to exercise

"Of course, we can't always control stress in our lives, but we can control how much we exercise.

"It's empowering to know that we can combat the negative impacts of stress on our brains just by getting out and running."

Stress relief

Prof Edwards explained inside the hippocampus, memory formation and recall occur optimally when the synapses or connections between neurons are strengthened over time.

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That process of synaptic strengthening is called long-term potentiation (LTP).

Yet chronic or prolonged stress weakens the synapses, which decreases LTP and ultimately impacts memory.

So he and colleagues divided mice into four groups - sedentary no stress, exercise no stress, exercise with stress, and sedentary with stress.

The exercise groups used running wheels over a four-week period averaging 5 km ran per day.

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