Blocking out quality time with friends has proven to improve mental health

Catching up with friends is as beneficial to mental health as a relaxing bath or vigorous workout, according to research.

A poll of 2,000 adults found a 24-minute chat with close friends is seen as valuable to one’s wellbeing as a relaxing bath - with the average Brit only needing one hour and 49 minutes in the company of friends to improve their overall wellbeing.

And a 25-minute conversation is considered just as good as an exercise session.

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Getting together for a coffee (51 per cent), taking a walk (46 per cent), and enjoying a meal out (43 per cent) were cited as the best bonding experiences this summer.


Getting together is good for your health

The research, commissioned by plant-based beverage brand Califia Farms, revealed 41 per cent prefer to catch up with friends in the comfort of their own home rather than venturing out to a café or bar.

With 67 per cent believing that spending time with close companions really helps their mind, body, and soul.

However, 46 per cent wish they could see their friends more often than they currently do.