Where's our pier gone? Sunderland issues map plea to Google

Roker Pier in Sunderland.Roker Pier in Sunderland.
Roker Pier in Sunderland.
'Put us back on the map!'

Sunderland is making a plea to online giant Google after being left a pier-less city.

That’s because a search for the city on the website’s Maps function does not show the famous Roker Pier or its sister south pier in Hendon.

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Google Maps image of Sunderland, not showing the city's two piers.Google Maps image of Sunderland, not showing the city's two piers.
Google Maps image of Sunderland, not showing the city's two piers.

Other North East piers such as those in Seaham and Tynemouth do come up when looking at the locations on the site.

City resident George Wilson, 77, discovered the mistake when being linked to the map on Sunderland City Council’s website.

“I was on the website and noticed on the coastline that there were no piers,” said George, a retired electrician.

“Tynemouth and Seaham piers are included and so are the ones in the Teesside area.

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Seaham Pier as shown on Google Maps.Seaham Pier as shown on Google Maps.
Seaham Pier as shown on Google Maps.

“I think it should be sorted as soon as possible because it’s not right.

“If anyone looks at the Echo, there are a number of pictures of the pier in every week sent in by readers because it’s such a famous landmark.

“There’s a lot of money been spent on the piers in recent times to open them to the public and for them to be missed off isn’t right.”

George, of Southwick, is now calling on the company to edit the map and get the piers featured, something which has been echoed by city council chiefs.

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Tynemouth Pier as shown on Google Maps.Tynemouth Pier as shown on Google Maps.
Tynemouth Pier as shown on Google Maps.

“It’s a big pier and very impressive,” he said.
“I go down quite a lot because it’s nice to walk along the coast and look at it.

“I think this is Google’s fault and I’d like to see it put right if it can be.”

Coun Mel Speding, Sunderland City Council’s cabinet secretary, said: “Roker Pier is one of this city’s key features.

“At a hundred years old, it’s also one of our best-loved features and there can be few of us who’ve not enjoyed a bracing walk along it, or marvelled at the pier when there’s heavy seas breaking over it.

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Coun Mel Speding.Coun Mel Speding.
Coun Mel Speding.

“And, at 2,000ft or a third of a mile long, Roker Pier is one of the biggest man-made features along the North East coast.

“I know we’ve had recent storm damage, lost some railings and coping stones, and this is all being repaired, but anyone looking at this Google map might think our pier has been washed away, and that is most definitely not the case.

“If there’s the Tyne piers, the Seaham piers, then surely Roker Pier should appear on this Google map?”

Google said it was unable to comment on the issue at this time.