Sunset pictures in Sunderland, taken by John Alderson and Ian Maggiore.Sunset pictures in Sunderland, taken by John Alderson and Ian Maggiore.
Sunset pictures in Sunderland, taken by John Alderson and Ian Maggiore.

Sunderland photographers share sunset pictures after week of stunning skies

It’s been a breathtaking week for sunsets in Sunderland and across the wider North East.

Photographers have been out and about across the region capturing the dazzling colours as were treated to a palette of orange, pink, purple, red and yellow to finish the day.

As we head towards the shortest day and Winter Solstice on Tuesday, December 21, we’re taking a moment to celebrate the beautiful views created by the early sunsets and dark evenings.

Many thanks to John Alderson and Ian Maggiore for sharing their fantastic photographs with us.