Sunderland contact centre raises over £1,000 for Team GB Paralympians

Staff at EDF International at Doxford Park who have been involved in the Supercharge ParalympicsGB campaign.Staff at EDF International at Doxford Park who have been involved in the Supercharge ParalympicsGB campaign.
Staff at EDF International at Doxford Park who have been involved in the Supercharge ParalympicsGB campaign.
Employees at a contact centre on Wearside are helping Team GB Paralympians as they prepare go for gold.

Workers at EDF Energy at Doxford International Business Park raised over £1,000 for the British Paralympic Association which will help support eight para athletes as they train hard with the hope of competing for the in Rio this year.

EDF Energy is currently supporting the Supercharge ParalympicsGB campaign, which aims to raise awareness and funding for the British team, through fund-raising to help support athletes’ preparations for Rio 2016.

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Kevin Gatens, head of customer service North East, said: “Our employees here at EDF Energy Doxford always fully support our charity partners and put in an incredible amount of effort into events which will raise money and awareness of local and national causes.

“The recent fundraising and activities have really drummed up interest in the Supercharge ParalympicsGB campaign, and has helped us learn more about the inspiring people that dedicate their lives not only to sport, but being positive role models for those with disabilities in the community.

“As well as raising funds to help para athletes, fundraisers and activities like this always boost employee morale and provide a positive working environment which encourages people to get to know one another and come together in supporting charities.”

The generous team raised money through a traditional bake sale and raffle, and also took donations from employees taking part in a dress down day.

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During EDF Energy’s support of the BPA’s Supercharge campaign, staff also took part in the ‘Road to Rio’ which saw staff take part in a companywide challenge which encourages participants to clock up the 5,553 miles to reach Rio on a static spinning bike.

The challenge is part of Road to Rio roadshow, which is touring EDF Energy sites in the run up to the Rio games.

Tim Hollingsworth, CEO of the British Paralympic Association, said: “The ParalympicsGB team will face its toughest competition yet in Rio with standards increasing across all sports and among teams from other nations, and that is likely to become even fiercer over coming Games.

“Support and fundraising from EDF Energy and its Doxford office will help us to best prepare the team in the crucial final days before Rio, making a tangible difference to their performances at the Games, and laying the ground for future success.”