Six ways to stay happy and healthy in winter

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Picture by PA
We can all find the motivation to throw on our trainers when the pavements are hot and eat healthily when the days are long.

But when it's dark and cold outside, healthy habits can easily go astray. It's tempting to spend all winter hibernating on the sofa with a glass of wine, your only exercise being the slow shuffle to and from the fridge in between Netflix episodes.

This usually comes to a very painful head in January, when you're hungover, have a to-do list the size of China back at work - and are faced with the prospect of overhauling your bad habits, while battling some serious post-party-season blues.

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That's why winter is secretly the best time to get your health mojo back. You'll keep the indulgences (and the financial burden) of the festive period in check, and in doing so, get into good shape for when New Year rolls around.

Here, three health and wellness experts reveal their top tips for keeping motivated and giving yourself a winter health reboot.

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