Boris Johnson says Brexit deal agreed with EU

Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Photo credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA WirePrime Minister Boris Johnson. Photo credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire
Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Photo credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire | PA (Press Association)
A Brexit deal has been agreed with the EU, Boris Johnson has said.

The Prime Minister tweeted: "We've got a great new deal that takes back control - now Parliament should get Brexit done on Saturday so we can move on to other priorities like the cost of living, the NHS, violent crime and our environment."

The announcement came as Mr Johnson was heading for a crunch EU summit in Brussels and follows days of intense negotiations.

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However, he is expected to face a tough task getting the agreement through Parliament.

With the Commons expected to sit on Saturday to discuss it - the first weekend session for 37 years - the DUP insisted it still could not yet back the Government's Brexit plans.

The stance of the DUP is important because the party wields influence over some Tory Brexiteers.

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted: "Where there is a will, there is a #deal - we have one! It's a fair and balanced agreement for the EU and the UK and it is testament to our commitment to find solutions. I recommend that #EUCO endorses this deal."

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was quick to dismiss the deal.

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"From what we know, it seems the Prime Minister has negotiated an even worse deal than Theresa May's, which was overwhelmingly rejected," he said.

"These proposals risk triggering a race to the bottom on rights and protections: putting food safety at risk, cutting environmental standards and workers' rights, and opening up our NHS to a takeover by US private corporations.

"This sell-out deal won't bring the country together and should be rejected. The best way to get Brexit sorted is to give the people the final say in a public vote."