Police reassure residents as young girls are 'followed by car' in Sunderland

Police have reassured residents after two young girls were reportedly followed by a car in Sunderland.

The 12-year-old youngsters alerted police after the alleged incident in High Southwick on Friday.

A Northumbria Police spokeswoman said: "At 5.54pm on Friday, June 16, police received a report of two suspicious men in Exmouth Square, Sunderland.

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"Two girls, aged 12, reported the men to be following them in a car as they walked along the pavement.

"The men made no attempt to grab the girls, however, the youngsters were left shaken by the incident.

"Enquiries have been carried out and police would like to reassure residents that this appears to be an isolated incident.

"Officers are on patrol in the area and ask the public to report anything to them that they believe to be suspicious."